In many ways, Mother’s Day is a bittersweet time for survivors of sex trafficking. The mother/daughter bond that many women share is often absent, leaving the relationship strained or even nonexistent.
“In my experience, I have found many survivors do not have healthy motherly influences in their lives,” says Jen Starr, the Take Heart Residential Program Director at Hope Center Indy.
This is one reason it’s so important Hope Center Indy surrounds survivors with compassionate women that show them unconditional love and support as they embark on their recovery. From their teachers to the women that drive them to doctors’ appointments, welcoming survivors to a Christ centered community is one of the most important, motherly things Hope Center Indy has to offer.
“I believe God created women with an invaluable purpose to nurture,” says Jen. “I love seeing women, of all ages, come together to step into those roles and walk with the survivors on their journey to recovery.”
This is part of the beauty of many women coming together to volunteer. There are countless opportunities for volunteers and staff to reflect the role of mother, grandmother and godmother. Age does not matter when it comes to being the hands and feet of Christ on earth.
“I remember one lady telling me one time how much it meant to her that I was there to spend time with her because she knew I wasn't being paid to come, but instead I just wanted to hang out with them,” says Melody Hornickel, who serves as a volunteer.
These small moments with staff and volunteers are the most motherly interaction many of the survivors have experienced. At the end of the day, it’s up to each resident at Hope Center Indy to take the next step in their recovery, but it is up to the staff and volunteers to be not just a motherly influence, but a Christ-like influence.
Please keep our residents, staff and volunteers in your prayers this Mother’s Day.