On staff at Hope Center Indy, you will find the love of Christ upon first walking in the doors! We have a Statement of Faith that we live and work by, as we believe that a Christ-centered approach provides the necessary direction to accomplish our mission. Hope Center Indy strives to create an environment that is inclusive and respectful of all people. We embrace the insights and experiences people bring from their personal and professional backgrounds. We aim to make them feel included and valued throughout their employment experience at Hope Center Indy.
Hope Center Indy operates under the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a unique approach to managing a business to have a clear focus and direction for growth and stability in the organization. Specifically, EOS guides us in vision, getting everyone in the organization 100% on the same page with where we’re going and how to get there; traction, instilling focus, discipline, and accountability in the organization so that everyone executes on that vision every day; and, health, ensuring leaders are cohesive, functional and a healthy team.
Relentless Commitment
​To Christ
To the world around us
To personal growth
Kingdom Minded
Intentional unity
Integrating our community
Faith Builders
Healing and transformation
Power of testimony
Joyful Servants
Kind and considerate
Quality That Inspires Hope
Excellence in all that we do
Good stewards of time, talents, and treasures